Q&A (Your Questions answered)
Q. Can you explain a little bit of what SAP HANA is?
A. Sure, right after I boil the ocean. This is a bit of a high level question, so I am going to try and stay a little bit at the 50,000 foot level.
SAP HANA is a game-changing, real-time platform for analytics and applications. While simplifying the IT stack, it provides powerful features like: significant processing speed, the ability to handle big data, predictive capabilities and text mining capabilities.
- Accelerate key business processes with rapid analysis and reporting
- Invent new business models and processes by leveraging innovative solutions
- Reduce TCO with less hardware and maintenance
HANA DB takes advantage of the low cost of main memory (RAM), data processing abilities of multi-core processors and the fast data access of solid-state drives relative to traditional hard drives to deliver better performance of analytical and transactional applications. It offers a multi-engine query processing environment which allows it to support both relational data (with both row- and column-oriented physical representations in a hybrid engine) as well as graph and text processing for semi- and unstructured data management within the same system.
While HANA has been called an acronym for HAsso’s New Architecture (a reference to SAP founder Hasso Plattner), it also has been used to describe High Performance ANalytic Appliance.
Check out this video for a VERY high level SAP explanation
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