Consumerization of IT and Tablets
TAKE NOTE(Insights into the SAP solution and technology)
It used to be (in a time before some of us can remember) that the computer we had at work, was the one we wished we had at home. In many cases today, the reverse is true. Now, the cutting-edge technologies are being adopted in the consumer market first and in the enterprise second. This process is known as the consumerization of IT. And it extends not only to desktops and notebooks, but also to tablets.
There is a huge drive to adopt tablets in the workplace today. Some of this pressure comes from employees who use a tablet at home and want to experience that same convenience at work. But there is also a big push from executives to adopt tablets for their “cool factor,”. Gartner predicts that in the next few years, more and more companies will be implementing tablets for these and other reasons. As this trend becomes the norm, IT will have two main concerns: security and cost.
At the moment, Apple dominates the tablet market. Gartner questions whether iOS-based devices will meet the security needs of enterprises. In addition, users won’t be replacing their desktop with a tablet. Rather employees will simply have more devices: a desktop PC, a notebook, a smartphone, and a tablet. That means additional costs for the company. It also brings up a third complication. Tablets, unlike PCs, are essentially output-only devices. Will organizations have to redesign and perhaps deploy new applications that are better-suited for use on tablets?
Gartner predicts we will see tablets in the workforce between 2012 – 2014.
Where is SAP… take a look at the customer Briefing APP below
With the SAP Customer Briefing mobile app for tablets, sales executives on the road can get the real-time information they need about their customers. (screenshot: iTunes)
Direct customer contact is essential in customer relationship management. But often there is no time to prepare for a customer meeting thoroughly in our office. The SAP Customer Briefing app for the iPad gives sales people mobile access to the facts and figures they need when meeting with customers. The app connects to the SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) application and provides a detailed, real-time view of the customer’s business. Users can use their iPad to call up information about the customer, its key people, and relevant news from external Web service providers at any time and from anywhere where there is Internet access. From internal issues that affect customer satisfaction, to open, won, and lost opportunities: you can display it all.
To use the SAP Customer Briefing app, you must be using SAP CRM and need to have your IT department enable the Mobile Services scenario. You can first try out the app with sample data.
For more information and to download the app, go to the iTunes App Store.
Platform: iOS
UNDER DEVELOPMENT(Information for ABAP Developers)
A Guide to the New ALV Grid Control – Part 2
When we ended the last blog on the ALV Grid Control I promised that we would cover some simple extensions in this blog. So lets begin………..
The key to configuring the ALV Grid Control for your particular application is the structures that are passed by the application to an ALV Grid instance before or during list display. For some simple extensions of your ALV Grid instance, you only need to set the right parameter and pass the table or structure by using method set_table_for_first_display.
Configuring the ALV Grid Control Instance
Once the control has been integrated on the screen, you will likely want to configure it to do things like:
– Calculate totals initially
– Hide columns, the toolbar, the grid title, or the column headers
– Add, replace, or hide functions from the toolbar
– React to a double-click on a row to show a detail list
– Interpret values of a column as icons
Q&A(Your Questions answered)
Q.What is the use of field symbols in ABAP? Explain its use with appropriate example ? Explain the disadvantage if we don’t use that in the program ?
A. Whoa… Lets look at the first two questions, and then how about you do a little research with the links I provide. Sound fair?
Field symbols are placeholders or symbolic names for other fields. They do not physically reserve space for a field, but point to its contents. A field symbol can point to any data object. The data object to which a field symbol points is assigned to it after it has been declared in the program.
Whenever you address a field symbol in a program, you are addressing the field that is assigned to the field symbol. After successful assignment, there is no difference in ABAP whether you reference the field symbol or the field itself. You must assign a field to each field symbol before you can address the latter in programs.
DATA: v_char(10).
ASSIGN v_char to <fs>.
v_char = 10. ” The value for v_char is changed.
write: / <fs>.
Check this link ..
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