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Download Presentation from ASUG North Carolina/Virginia Chapter Meeting Friday, March 15, 2013

Information Technology Partners, INC.
37 Pond Court North
Bridgeville, PA 15017
Phone: (724) 582-4307
Fax: (412) 291-2901

IT Partners has been asked to speak at ASUG North Carolina/Virginia Chapter Meeting Friday, March 15th, 2013. President of IT Partners, Tony Cecchini, will be speaking on the reasons why learning some of the technical aspects of the SAP landscape can lead to better colaboration between functional and APPDev teams, thus improving the quality and integrity of the objects being developed.  The abstract for the presentation is below.

SAP consultants come in all shapes and sizes from the extreme techie guys that can only communicate in binary code, to those smooth talking ‘gift of the gab’ salesman like functional consultants who run in fear at the thought of discussing anything technical. When a project gets on the way, somehow the two must meet and work together. Being a “Techie”- I want to help bridge this chasm and help functional consultants “Crack the Code” and gain some footing with this presentation.

IT Partners table @ ASUG

Tony, President, teaching at ASUG