A large enterprise’s networked computing environment is likely to connect many geographically distributed computers to the main database. These computers are likely to use different hardware and/or operating system platforms. An IDoc (for intermediate document) encapsulates data so that it can be exchanged between different systems without conversion from one format to another. IDocs are used for for electronic data interchange (EDI) between application programs written for the popular SAP business system or between an SAP application and an external program. IDocs serve as the vehicle for data transfer in SAP’s Application Link Enabling (ALE) system.
sap system
The ALV Grid Control solves this problem. Its user interface provides a set of generic functions (e.g., sorting, filtering) for handling tabular data. It also confers the many benefits of controls technology to users, enabling more operations by mouse, and interaction with other controls, such as drag-and-drop. Developers simply plug the ALV Grid Control into their applications and the tool takes care of the rest. You do not need to do any further programming to offer users these functions. How you “plug” the control into an application is the first thing I will show you in this month’s blog. So lets get started!
In contrast to enhancements in the Enhancement Framework, modifications are physically part of the object they modify. This means that every single modification gets lost in an upgrade and needs to be re-inserted even in cases where the underlying SAP object has not changed at all!