Case Study: US Navy Enterprise Resource Planning
PoP date: 2016 - Current
Business Challenge
Navy ERP’s mission is to develop and sustain a business capability that enables the Navy business enterprise to budget, account for, and audit its resources so that it can monitor and make decisions about how the resources are obtained, allocated and utilized for the benefit of the warfighter and the US taxpayer.
The vision of Navy ERP is to provide the Navy with information technology services to manage its worldwide resources: people, supply, and financials. The integration of financial and supply solutions on a single platform provides real-time data access and decision support to the Navy Enterprise.
In August 2019, Navy ERP received a technology refresh and upgraded to the SAP HANA (high performance analytic appliance) cloud-based platform resulting in more efficient operations with increased memory, additional data storage and faster processing, making it the Navy’s largest IT system to migrate to the cloud. Subsequently, in April 2020 Navy ERP transitioned from a sustainment posture to a scalable, agile development program to better support Navy auditability requirements and began migrating Navy Working Capital and General Fund commands into Navy ERP.
How We Helped
At the Department of Navy, IT Partners (ITP) provides sustainment and enhancement software development support to the Navy ERP Program Manager. As one of the largest business systems to gain DoD approval to implement a scalable agile development approach
IT Partners has been instrumental in bringing best practice agile development and release techniques based on industry best practices to the sustainment and the enhancement of Navy ERP. This approach has enabled the Navy to incremental enhance and resolve audit findings in a systematic and consistent approach.
IT Partners supported the migration of the Navy ERP infrastructure to Hana, a cloud-based operating system and database solution. The Hana platform significantly improved the efficiency of the platform and improved cyber security risk by centralizing data and infrastructure into a single solution.
IT Partners supports the site deployment to new sites that have transitioned from legacy financial management systems to Navy ERP. Transition support includes process mapping and definition, migration of reporting and visualization capabilities and end user support.
As of August 2021, IT Partners is a subcontractor to IBM for Navy ERP Technical Service Support
Project Goals
- Provide accurate, timely, and reliable financial information to decision makers
- Provide an automated environment to support the efficient production of auditable financial statements
- Support business process standardization
- Support the use of a “common language” through standardized general ledgers
- Reduce disparate IT systems
- Enhance enterprise integration
- Reduce long term IT cost
- +20%NIST Cyber Risk Scoring Improvement
- -35%Financial Management Systems Portfolio
- x30,000Improvement in Database Response Time w/ HANA
The Results
The Navy has centralized business systems to a central authority providing opportunities to further expand the benefits of Navy ERP as an authoritative business system for the Department of Navy. The results of Navy ERP has improved the Navy’s ability to execute funds and losing the ability to expend budgeted funding. Navy ERP will be critical system to get to a clean audit opinion for the Department of the Navy, currently planned for 2027.
As of August 2021, IT Partners is a subcontractor to IBM for Navy ERP Technical Service Support
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