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Oregon Treadmill Desks Gaining Traction

Oregon Treadmill Desks Gaining Traction

TAKE NOTE(Insights into SAP solutions and Emerging Technology)

OK, This may NOT have anything to do with SAP, but I just had to highlight this developing Government story. I have problems walking and chewing gum…….

In April, Oregon state legislators were pursuing a bill that could someday bring treadmill desks to state offices. If passed, the bill would initiate a two-year pilot program to test the “walking workstations,” determine their cost and effectiveness, and define the parameters of a potential larger-scale deployment within state agencies.

The bill, introduced by Rep. Jim Thompson, is expected to pass, according Legislative Director Jim Williams — and the idea is already attracting attention out of state.

Oregon was one of the first states to opt for a quasi-governmental state-based health insurance exchange following President Obama’s Affordable Healthcare Act. This bill by Rep. Thompson, Williams said, should be a no-brainer given the state’s dedication to public health, and the sedentary nature of the typical office environment

The bill is currently in committee waiting on funding, Williams said, adding that he feels the votes will come in. “That’s not really an issue,” he said, adding that it’s time to stop talking about improving delivery of medicine and delivering health. “Let’s go ahead and do something about it… If we have a goal of losing weight and obesity is one the leading causes of medical problems, why shouldn’t we do everything that we can to go ahead and reduce obesity?”

When passed, Williams said, this bill will create a more productive workforce and lower the cost of medical care in the state. “We’re going to lower the cost of medicine,” he said.

How Do Treadmill Desks Really Work?

Employees would not be forced to walk on a treadmill all day like a hamster, Williams said, but allowing employees the option of having a desk where they can alternate between walking and sitting — or putting a few treadmill desks in common areas — could lead to a healthier, happier workforce.

At the non-profit Association of Washington Cities, CEO Mike McCarty has been using a treadmill desk for the past three months to help fight the degenerative effects of type 2 diabetes.

“It’s a way to stay in motion while you’re working,” he said. “I find that I can do emails for a couple hours walking at two and half miles per hour, and not really break a sweat. It’s quiet, and it allows you to stay in motion while you’re being productive work-wise — maybe even more productive than you probably would be sitting at a desk.”

Using the treadmill desk over the past few months, McCarty said he’s lost five pounds — and not sitting all day helps him manage his blood sugar, which can be a serious issue for diabetics.

“That’s really what my expectation was, that it affords me a better quality of life and the ability to control my blood sugar a little bit better — and hopefully I’ll live longer as well,” he said. “I am an advocate of these things.”

If money and space were no object, he said, he would at the very least start putting the machines in common areas so people who wanted to break up their day could walk while making phone calls or answering emails for a few minutes.

“I’m not sure we’re there culturally yet,” he said, noting that the price of some treadmill desks is comparable to the price of the stand-up desks offered to some employees in their offices.

What do you think? Hit us up on Facebook or Twitter, We’d love to hear your thoughts…



UNDER DEVELOPMENT(Information for ABAP Developers)

SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP

SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP provides highly valuable innovations with SAP NW 7.02 and 7.03, they cover a wide range from language and tool enhancements to UI technologies and services, but don’t be concerned you can still rely on your existing ABAP skills and easily extend to emerging technologies like In-Memory, Cloud and Mobile.

Lets continue to  look at the key needs and innovations introduced in ABAP 7.03 for custom development…..




Q&A(Post your questions to Facebook or Twitter and get your Questions answered)

Q.  I am working on an IDoc outbound interface……

I see the status is “03” when the interface works. When I look this up the HELP says that “Data is Passed to Port OK” How do I know when the IDoc REALLY leaves SAP?

A.  The status ‘03’ actually means just what it says – “Data passed to port OK”,  which basically means that the IDoc has been dispatched to the tRFC queue and an attempt was made to send the IDoc to the subsystem.

However, that does not necessarily mean that the IDoc has left SAP. There could be many reasons why SAP would fail to send the IDoc. One example could be that the subsystem was down during the transmission of the IDoc. Errors during data  transmission would cause the IDoc to remain in the tRFC queue. Thus, the IDoc would still remain in SAP and remain with a status of ‘03’.

When the Status changes to ‘12’; a successful connection was made to the subsystem and the IDoc was sent. This status represents that the Outbound IDoc is no longer in the tRFC queue and, therefore, has physically left SAP. The IDoc is in the hands of the subsystem which is now responsible for processing or routing the IDoc.

To be sure the IDoc is being transmitted to the subsystem (PI, XI…etc) you need to set a few things up…

1) The following job should be setup in order to process an IDoc to a status of  ‘12’. I typically set this to every 10 minutes depending on the client.

Program: RBDMOIND – Schedule this program in order to check whether the IDoc have been successfully sent out of the tRFC queue. If the IDoc has been sent successfully to the subsystem, the program RBDMOIND will change the status of the IDoc from status ‘03’ to status ‘12’. This means that the handshake with subsystem was successfully and the IDoc has physically left SAP.

2) There may be times when the subsystem is unavailable at the time the SAP is trying to send the Outbound IDoc. By default, SAP will only make one attempt to transmit the IDoc. By scheduling the following program in a batch job, SAP will try to resend the Outbound IDoc again at a specified time interval. I also usually set this at job every 10 min, depending on the client.

Program: RSARFCEX – Schedule this program in a batch job in order to resend any IDocs that have are stuck on the tRFC queue.

If you need to dig into the tRFC Queue yourself to do any analysis, use Transaction SM58 – This will check what is currently on the tRFC queue. Once you display the list, you also have the ability to drill down and get some additional detail.