ABAP is a powerful language for building sophisticated applications. But as any developer is understands, even the most carefully written and tested objects can wind up terminating with a runtime errors, producing unexpected messages, returning incorrect results, or causing application performance problems. As a result, SAP provides a comprehensive set of specialized tools for performing static code checks, coverage analysis, post-mortem analysis, runtime traces, and debugging as part of the standard delivery of SAP Web Application Server (Web AS).
workflow development
ABAP is a powerful language for building sophisticated applications. But as any developer is understands, even the most carefully written and tested objects can wind up terminating with a runtime errors, producing unexpected messages, returning incorrect results, or causing application performance problems. As a result, SAP provides a comprehensive set of specialized tools for performing static code checks, coverage analysis, post-mortem analysis, runtime traces, and debugging as part of the standard delivery of SAP Web Application Server (Web AS).
ABAP is a powerful language for building sophisticated applications. But as any developer is understands, even the most carefully written and tested objects can wind up terminating with a runtime errors, producing unexpected messages, returning incorrect results, or causing application performance problems. As a result, SAP provides a comprehensive set of specialized tools for performing static code checks, coverage analysis, post-mortem analysis, runtime traces, and debugging as part of the standard delivery of SAP Web Application Server (Web AS).
A large enterprise’s networked computing environment is likely to connect many geographically distributed computers to the main database. These computers are likely to use different hardware and/or operating system platforms. An IDoc (for intermediate document) encapsulates data so that it can be exchanged between different systems without conversion from one format to another. IDocs are used for for electronic data interchange (EDI) between application programs written for the popular SAP business system or between an SAP application and an external program. IDocs serve as the vehicle for data transfer in SAP’s Application Link Enabling (ALE) system.
Many people think of MVC design pattern as a means for separating data presentation from data processing, and this is certainly true. However, the separation of data presentation from data processing is only one use case of a much more fundamental concept — namely, the separation of those parts of the program that generate data from those parts that consume data — and it is this fundamental principle that you see time and again within the Web Dynpro architecture.
What is web Dynpro? It’s SAP’s newest user interface (UI) development option for the SAP NetWeaver platform — has been designed to become the de facto option of choice for SAP development. Web Dynpro was created because, like every other software vendor in the Web space, SAP needed a longterm, strategic solution for the many problems faced by Web developers during the implementation of browser-based business applications.
Adding new GUI elements to an ALV Grid instance is event-controlled and requires experience in ABAP Objects event handling. There is an event for each element type (toolbar push button, toolbar menu, and context menu). In the relevant event handler method, you define the properties of an element (such as its menu options) and assign a function code to each executable function.
he key to configuring the ALV Grid Control for your particular application is the structures that are passed by the application to an ALV Grid instance before or during list display. For some simple extensions of your ALV Grid instance, you only need to set the right parameter and pass the table or structure by using method set_table_for_first_display.
The ALV Grid Control solves this problem. Its user interface provides a set of generic functions (e.g., sorting, filtering) for handling tabular data. It also confers the many benefits of controls technology to users, enabling more operations by mouse, and interaction with other controls, such as drag-and-drop. Developers simply plug the ALV Grid Control into their applications and the tool takes care of the rest. You do not need to do any further programming to offer users these functions. How you “plug” the control into an application is the first thing I will show you in this month’s blog. So lets get started!
I will continue to take a look at the SAP Controls Technology and how we can use it in our development. I will focus on Events and their respective handling techniques along with errors.