Digital Process Automation

SAP Build Apps#2

20 Apr: SAP AppGyver – A visual No-Code App Builder

In 2021, SAP acquired AppGyver Oy, a pioneer in no-code development platforms that enable users with no coding skills to build applications for Web and mobile use. SAP Build Apps evolved from SAP AppGyver and other SAP technologies.

#digital Transormation

25 Jan: Digital Transformation – Rewriting The Rules Of Business

Digital transformation involves using digital technologies to remake a process to become more efficient or effective. The idea is to use technology not just to replicate an existing process in a digital form, but to use technology to transform that process into something significantly better. Digital transformation can involve many different technologies but the hottest topics right now are cloud, IoT, big data, RPA, and artificial intelligence.

Pega RPA

09 May: What Makes Pega iBPM Best in Class

The core of Pega is its Pega RULES Process Commander, which enjoys a deserved reputation as an exceptional software. It’s highly sophisticated programming easily streamlines large, complex, multi-year projects. Lloyds Banking Group used the software to minimize customer complaints, and Cisco used Pega to centralize its operational processes. Indeed, one of Pega’s best features is its ability to launch and implement quickly regardless of the size or objectives of the project.